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Latest News :: Client 4.1.32 and Server 4.1.1 Now Available!
Posted on September 23, 2024 by CodeJunkie

Client Updates

  • Shortened caption of option on general tab of configuration screen to default new game rooms to max players for game that don't have an in-game lobby (ie: games that require waiting for all players before starting) as it was wrapping under certain XP themes.
  • Added a caption with "Secured with" and a Let's Encrypt logo to the about screen. For legacy clients (Windows XP and below) there is an additional caption after the LE logo which reads "and OpenSSL".
  • Added a link to the DOSBox Deathmatch Club website to the Help main menu.
  • Updated the DOSBox link to go to the non-secure HTTP website under the legacy clients (Windows XP and below).
  • Added links to the DOSBox and DOSBox Deathmatch Club websites to the Help menu of the Win9x/ME/NT4 clients. The DOSBox link will only display on the Win9x/ME DOSBox Editions and NT4.
  • Removed the DOSBox SVN website link from the legacy clients Help menu since it's just a SourceForge link and is HTTPS only.
  • Updated the Hammer of the Gods configuration to now use IPX and NetBIOS instead of serial null modem. It now supports up to 4 players. When I added it back in 2012 there was an issue with it failing to detect NetBIOS, but I recently found this workaround on Vogons: https://www.vogons.org/viewtopic.php?p=1290313#p1290313 and a patch EXE was released by the DOSBox team that addresses the issue with the game failing to detect the network before it tries to detect NetBIOS and the error about not detecting NetBIOS is misleading. So NETCHECK.COM is now included with the installer and will be used for HotG.
  • The Win9x/ME native client will no longer copy and use netbios.exe for games flagged as needing NetBIOS since it's not needed under Win9x/ME. This also includes the NETCHECK.COM file for Hammer of the Gods.
  • Fixed a bug wherein the games Worms United, Worms: Reinforcements and Hammer of the Gods would not run on the Win9x/ME native client due to their launch process requiring the actual game path in some of the batch commands and the config had hard coded paths of just C:\ which was ok under DOSBox.
  • Removed the command to start the Hammer of the Gods intro from its start up commands as it would sometimes crash and never start the game EXE.
  • Updated the CD image mounting and unmounting process under the native Win9x/ME client to execute the DAEMON Tools EXE directly from the client instead of from the generated batch file to ensure they run properly and to ensure the CD is available before the DOS process starts and is always unmounted regardless of what happens with the batch process.
  • Fixed backend bug that was preventing logging in from a client that had been auto logged out when the user logged in from another location with the same edition of the client.
  • The game room info panel will now be closed when the game room list is refreshed.
  • Removed the location field from the main game room lobby list.
  • Updated the description caption panel to now display the name of a selected game add-on and if it has an author with "by " appended instead of "Description" or "Description :: ".
  • Changed all references to "Game Customizations" to "Game Add-Ons".
  • Turned off the "Custom" tab on the user game add-ons screen.
  • Shortened the "Customization Name" field of the game add-ons list screen to just "Name".
  • Changed "[Available Chat Rooms]" to just "[Chat Rooms]' on the main screen chat room selection drop down.
  • Removed the type column from all game add-on lists and the filter drop down selection list.
  • Removed redundant game room information from the right panel and updated the game room info button hint to read "View extended game room & server information".
  • Combined the multiplayer and singleplayer columns into one column named "Game Modes" on all the game add-on lists and the values for "Any" will now be "Any MP" and "None" will be "No MP" and if the add-on supports single-player "/ Singleplayer" will be added to the MP value, for example: "Deathmatch / Singleplayer".
  • Added the "Mode" column to the game add-ons screen under the Win9x/ME/NT4 clients.
  • Combined the "Playing" and "Players" columns of the main game room lobby list into 1 column and the value will now have 3 fields: " / / ".
  • Renamed the "Custom" column of the main game room lobby list to "Add-Ons".
  • Custom control colors will now be applied to the find players screen.
  • The internal CGA server will drop timed-out client connections.
  • The internal CGA server will now check after a client authenticates for any existing client connections within a game room and drop them. This will handle scenarios where a client crashes or disconnects ungracefully for any reason and the server isn't informed of the diconnection.
  • The internal CGA server will now send game room connection count (ie: playing count) when it sends its connection count when clients connect and disconnect.

Server Updates

  • Fixed issues with the local server manager when a local address is set. It was unable to authenticate and was not trying to connect to the local address due to it always trying to connect to
  • Updated the admin server started on port log entry to state it as a TCP port and not a UDP port.
  • Added a caption with "Secured with" and a Let's Encrypt logo to the about screen. For legacy servers (Windows XP and below) there is an additional caption after the LE logo which reads "and OpenSSL".
  • Timed-out client connections will now be dropped.
  • After a client authenticates a check will be done for any existing client connections within a game room and drop them. This will handle scenarios where a client crashes or disconnects ungracefully for any reason and the server isn't informed of the diconnection.
  • The game room connection count (ie: playing count) will now be sent when the server connection count is sent when clients connect and disconnect.
  • Beta builds will now use a beta update site when checking for updates instead of the production update site.

Click here to download the latest client and server.

Join us on Discord! Looking for someone to play with? Checkout the DOSBox Deathmatch Club!

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